Saturday, June 17, 2017


"Trains" that run underground the big city. Creak, squeak, screech, motor noise, and I hear the sound of dark past, dark future, serious threat.  4:37 pm. The threat is imminent. The clock is ticking. However, the subway appears to be running on schedule. All I can do now is just to wait as the train jolt us, passengers. I cannot fail this mission. I need to be focused. One mistake could jeopardise the mission.

4:43 pm. "Revenge", well, yes, this thing might be. To have substantial experience. Revenge for hollow illusions. Morale is getting high.

4:52 pm. The station is near at hand, I hear a woman's voice. A voice of pain, a voice of lament, "Sarajevo". I admit that there is suffering at the bottom of this incident. But in the field, you shouldn't listen to soft sentiment. I have to take the shot before it happens. That's my mission.

4:55 pm. At Grand Central Terminal, the "Chase" starts. The building itself is also grand, but I'm not here as a taking-picture Japanese tourist. I'm here as a soldier. Make quick movements. Get to the exit. Sunlight. I have memorised the map. To the east, ahead straight, along the street, to the objective. Find the target, shoot on sight. It's simple. But just in case, check out the compass on the cell phone. One mistake could jeopardise the—Son of a bitch! It's a wrong exit! I'm on the west side of the building now. Goddamn, it's a diversion! To the north, to the east, to the south, reroute, counterclockwise around the station, 46th, 45th, 44th, move faster, make up for lost time. Luckily, this area is not covered with snow, not anymore. 12 o'clock, an elderly woman, from a chic apartment building, stay alert—her movements are awkward but—she's a civilian. Keep moving. I don't know if she is a friendly person, but she is not a hostile...Incoming! Flare! White flares from her bag! Watch out—wait, it's not an attack. That's white paper. For some reasons the madam puts a lot of papers in her bag, something like paper towels, and is letting them fly away without knowing that. "Ma'am, your papers", I said but didn't help her. It's 5:12 pm. I do not have time for that. The mission is my highest priority. She's a collateral damage. I have no choice. Strings, brass, woodwind, percussion encourage me. Almost there. An adrenaline rush. The device is ready, I'm ready. Shoot on sight. A glimpse of a white wall. Target acquired. Three hundred meters. Not clean. Too many friendlies. Pedestrians, cars, roadside trees, the other buildings. Shoot now? Negative. I need to be sure before shooting. Keep moving forward. A dome above a white rounded wall, flag poles, the river. This is it.

5:14 pm. I took the shot before sunset. East Forty-fourth Street, New York. Finally, I took a picture of the Headquarters of the United Nations—44E. The music tells me the gravity of this event. "Save the city, save the journey", I did it. Maybe I am a "Peacemaker" now, just like George Clooney. As I keep shooting pictures, finding the best angle, trying various exposure values, it gets darker so fast. I have collected several tones of the UN Headquarters buildings in photographs. My slate-colour iPod keeps playing the masterpiece. The track number four, 'Peacemaker', from the earphones honours me with the martial music for my achievement. A gift from composer Hans Zimmer.

——A sketch from 'New York of Mirage' 12th Feb 2015

References and recommendations:
Original motion picture soundtrack 'The Peacemaker'
Music by Hans Zimmer

'The Peacemaker' 1997 film

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